In two days the premiere of Over And Out, and in today’s Teraz Rock a review of our album and an extensive interview with Wojtek Szadkowski.
In two days the premiere of Over And Out, and in today’s Teraz Rock a review of our album and an extensive interview with Wojtek Szadkowski.
It’s been five days since we’ve launched aur second single WATP and…. we’re almost over the moon (shine ). Thanks a million for your outstanding response! And now…. VOTE please. Where? Well, to make it easier the list is set below. Thanks in advance !
In touch.
Turbo Top (Antyradio) – https://www.antyradio.pl/Radio/Turbo-Top#vote_684210
LPT (Trójka) – https://trojka.polskieradio.pl/lpt
Radio Rzeszów – https://radio.rzeszow.pl/muzyka/listy-przebojow
Rockserwis.fm – https://rockserwis.fm/lista_czart_głosowanie
Polish Chart (Radio WNET, voting for 5 songs using the Google Docs form) – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yNWj2USn29VcJ2RzdjnTdpjUJJmtA74mNbX0I_3G9lg/